
Kuliah non-Kurikuler Ekonomi Islam 2018 SEF UGM


Kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mengenai dasar-dasar ekonomi islam kepada peserta Kuliah non-Kurikuler Ekonomi Islam. Peserta diharapkan dapat memahami perilaku-perilaku yang diperbolehkan dalam ekonomi islam. Setelah itu pertemuan akan dilanjutkan dengan pengetahuan mengenai bagaimana seharusnya sistem ekonomi islam menempatkan diri di tengah perkembangan dunia serta aplikasi ekonomi islam dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Terakhir, peserta juga akan diberikan pemahaman umum mengenai bisnis syariah dan lembaga keuangan islam non-bank....   Selengkapnya

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Shariah Insurance : Issues and Development

              asuransi           Sharia insurance or takaful is a form of insurance which is accordance to the islamic law in which the investment in the form of asset is used to help another people. So, the money which is given to the insurer is given based on the willingness to help each other who faces risk (Aziz, 2010, p.190). Sharia-compliant insurance is based on the principle of ‘Ta’awun’ which means ‘mutual protection’. The Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) defines it as “a system through which the participants donate part or all of their contributions which are used to pay claims for loss suffered by some of the participants.”...   Selengkapnya

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